Computer Scoring Counselor's Kit (KT1):
US$539 + 15%(T-JTA總部船運費及行政費) x7.8(匯率),為HK$4835
1. T‐JTA Computer Scoring Software System(USB),Version 8,
2. T-JTA Manual 7th Edition (new),
3. Users Guide to the Software,
4. 15 Scoring Coupons
T-JTA總部出版了電腦軟件以助計算並繪畫性格圖表 “Computer Scoring Software System”,內含15張coupons。每次使用時,按不同使用方式而扣減coupons:(coupons用盡後,需再向美國T-JTA總部購買)
使用方式 |
個人 |
一對 |
計算及繪畫圖表 |
1 coupon |
4 coupons |
計算及簡單報告 |
2 coupons |
6 coupons |
計算及分析報告 |
4 coupons |
8 coupons |
(起初的coupons用後,可再購買coupons,以25張coupons US$287.5為例,連運費及總部行政費15%計算共US$330.7,每1 coupon約為US$13.3,約為HK$104)
_____________________________________ |
Online Scoring Counselor’s Kit (KT2):
US$275+ 15%(T-JTA總部船運費及行政費) x7.8(匯率),為HK$2467
1. T-JTA Manual 7th Edition (new),
2. T-JTA Handbook 7th Ed. (new),
3. Online Registration Fee,
4. plus $100 in online scoring credit
學員亦可購買網上計分工具套裝 “Online Scoring Counselor’s Kit”,這工具可讓購買者在總部網站內進行網上計分及圖表匯出,而收費方式是以每次計算的,價錢如下:
匯出資料 |
個人 |
一對 |
計分及 圖表 |
US$20.00 |
US $45.50 |
圖表 及 簡單報告 |
US $26.50 |
US $63.50 |
圖表 及 分析報告 |
US $45.50 |
US $92.50 |
增加報告表 及 報告冊 |
US $5 |
US $20.00 |
增加特質建議表 |
US $11.00 Flat Fee |
$22.00 Flat Fee |
增加答題紙 |
US $1.50 |
US $6.00 |
轉換港幣公式 ( 美金價錢 + 總部行政費15% x 匯率7.8 = 所付港幣價錢)
T-JTA Handscoring “Starter” Kit (KT4-ST) (少量版)
US$519 + 15%(T-JTA總部船運費及行政費) x7.8(匯率),為HK$4656
1. T-JTA Manual 7th Edition (new),
2. 2012 Norms,
3. Handscoring Section,
4. Handscoring Stencils,
5. 5 Question Booklets,
6. 5 Report Booklets,
7. 25 Answer Sheets,
8. 25 Profiles,
9. Pens and Rulers Set
_____________________________________ |
T-JTA Handscoring “Professional” Counselor's Kit (KT4)
US$799.5+ 15%(T-JTA總部船運費及行政費) x7.8(匯率),約為HK$7172
1. T-JTA Manual 7th Edition (new),
2. 2012 Norms,
3. Handscoring Section,
4. Handscoring Stencils,
5. 5 Question Booklets,
6. 5 Report Booklets,
7. 25 Answer Sheets,
8. 25 Profiles,
9. Pens and Rulers Set
10. Online Scoring Service Registration
11. Trait Pattern Transparencies
12. T‐JTA Handbook